Saturday, November 20, 2010

What happened to Duluth ?

We need to grow this City back to its former glory..After being gone for years I came back to a town of shrinking population as well as tax base.The only way to fix our problems is Job Growth.. Guess what ? no buddy is going to rescue us, certainly not the Government. They are the problem not the solution..In upcoming weeks look to this blog fror information and ideas on how to get out of this rut.

What happened to Duluth ?

We need to grow this City back to its former glory..After being gone for years I came back to a town of shrinking population as well as tax base.The only way to fix our problems is Job Growth.. Guess what ? no buddy is going to rescue us, certainly not the Government. They are the problem not the solution..In upcoming weeks look to this blog fror information and ideas on how to get out of this rut.

Friday, November 19, 2010

John Bernard Books as Played by John Wayne
"I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people and I expect the same from them." Pretty straight forward. I tell my Boxers not to use Boxing on the streets, Unless they need to defend themselves or someone else. Then I not only expect them too..I demand it. The American male is being nurtured with all this politically correct nonsense. I say live by a code..and the one mentioned is this blog is the one I live by. 

Thursday, November 18, 2010

A Fearless Warrior

Gary Eyer came to me as a young man of 14 years of age..I was told by some school official that he was getting in fights all the time and was beating kids up. When this ginger headed skinny kid with glasses walked in my gym, I nearly fell over from laughing. Little did I know then that this young man would turn out to be one of the toughest Men I have ever met..and perhaps the funniest person as well..I have seen Him walk through pain with a smile on His face..I will be posting many blogs on Him in the future..I've said it many times this kid should have his own reality TV show..


There has been many stories written about Zach " Jungle Boy" Walters..I will tell a few of mine on this blog, and I have hundreds. We have shared struggle, Glory and defeat..I have watched him turn from a boy to a Man before my eyes...The night I knew that our partnership was touched by the hand of God..was long ago in the town of Tacoma Washington..We were fighting a rough guy by the name of Louis Lopez..We got booed into the ring, The crowd was nasty mean.The venue was a black dome. It was was appropriate for there was a black mood hoovering thick in the air..Everyone wanted to see Zach get beat up by their guy...We were way ahead and Zach got caught with a huge punch in round three..he beat the count and made it back to the corner...on sheer guts. We had one minute to get his bearings back " Jungle, listen to me kid..Just box this animal " I pleaded........Jungle replied  " I got to knock him out". I got chills all these years later just thinking about it. Round four bell rings and the Jungle Boy charges out to meet His destiny..Bang he hits him with a right hand that knocks Louis Lopez flat out...This is where I might lose some of the non believers..The ceiling of that joint turned bright white that night..and with it the crowd cheered louder than I ever remember hearing in my life before or since..I saw Zach lift his hand to the sky and move His lips..later I asked, " Who were you talking to"..Jungle Boy responded " God "...Zach God heard you that night..And has worked for you and with you in so many ways..even in your defeats..He holds your hand..and you have held mine dragging me sometimes reluctantly on the journey to my redemption..Thank you for all you have done for me..and continue to do.
Fatherhood does not come with a manual. I wish it did , because I'm sure I made some mistakes...The picture to the right is of a guy named Archie Horton SR..He was a very special Man..and yes he was my father.I can't begin to tell you about him in this this short blog. I would need to write a novel just to scratch the surface..He lived a rich life with many experiences..and he taught me many things. One of them was to fight..It was like, He knew that I would need it someday.If I did not know how to fight I would not be blogging here tonight..I would have been dead. Yes dead. I have been in a few of those type fights...Let's just say I was the adventurous type...And some of my adventures put me in some rough areas..I did not come away unmarked..but one never does in a real fight..In teaching me to fight he was also teaching me a skill to earn a living..I teach others, what he taught me...It was His special gift to me..I think he taught many people..many different things...not all of it was fighting..It takes more than fighting to survive..When I pass from this earth I wonder how my Children will judge me..If they judge me half the Man my Father was..I will be satisfied...God Bless you Dad.

Sometimes Simple is the Best..Here is a quick routine that can be done by anyone to get back in shape.

We all have heard that the most valuable thing in a persons life is time..well I'm assuming we all have. Those who have not heard this, you know now.Well here is a quick and easy workout that you can do right now. All you have to do is follow these simple steps that I lay out for you...The two exercises that we will be using are the Push Up and Deep Squats..Every Two hours do half of your max..Do this Six days a week then take a day of rest..When you start back up add a couple reps..Pretty Simple right ? The only thing holding you back is your will power..Do IT...Then DO IT again..Don't allow anything to steal your focus..A good Goal to shoot for is 50 Push ups and 100 Deep Squats..done five times a day..I will be posting How to videos on my You tube site...